The Civic 50 National Participant Scorecards

Scores, rankings, and benchmarks by industry, Civic 50 category, and survey question

(If you're participating in a local, city-based Civic 50 instead of the National Civic 50 Click here)

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All eligible companies (with $1B+ revenues) that submit a completed application for The Civic 50 will receive a free Individual Scorecard -- which lists your company's score and ranking in each of the four evaluated dimensions -- and for The Civic 50 overall.

Two additional scorecards – the Sector Scorecard and Full Benchmarking Scorecard – are also available, which are designed to:

  • Provide additional detail on your community engagement program’s strengths, to aid reporting to key internal or external stakeholders
  • Provide additional detail on how to improve your community engagement program, at the dimension- or question-level

The following sections provide additional information on these scorecards, followed by contact form for ordering a scorecard or requesting additional information.

Individual Scorecard

This free, one-page scorecard summarizes how your company scores and ranks in each dimension, as compared to all other qualified participants in The Civic 50. Content includes:

Individual scorecard

Sector Scorecard

This enhanced two-page scorecard (when printed out) includes all of the content of the free scorecard (i.e., your score and ranking for each of the four Civic 50 dimensions), while also including:

- Sector-specific rankings and tier categorizations, to quantify your performance as compared to your peers (to aid reporting)

- Sector-level benchmarks to guide improved civic-engagement performance

This enhanced content includes:

sector scorecard

Full Benchmarking Scorecard

This enhanced 11-page scorecard (when printed out) includes all of the content of the Individual and Sector scorecards (i.e., your score and ranking, overall and by sector, for each of the four Civic 50 dimensions), while also including:

  • Scores and rankings by individual question, to quantify and celebrate your individual civic engagement strengths (to aid reporting)
  • Detailed (over 140!) question-level benchmarks, to guide improved civic-engagement performance

Each dimension is addressed individually (two pages per dimension), includes detailed commentary explaining the results, and comes with a complimentary walk-through by True Impact. The following is an example of the scorecard (dimension 1 only):

full benchmark scorecard
full benchmarking scorecard
Request More Information

Order a Scorecard

The following are the costs associated with each scorecard:

  • Individual Scorecard (free)
  • Sector Scorecard ($1,500)
  • Comprehensive Scorecard ($3,500)

Each enhanced scorecard purchase (i.e., Sector Scorecard or Comprehensive Scorecard) comes with a confidential, 60-minute walkthrough of your results by webcast provided by True Impact or Points of Light staff.

To order your scorecard, or to request additional information, please complete the form below. Requested scorecards will be emailed to you upon verification of your order

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