Impact Receipt®
A Universal Impact Report for Nonprofit Programs
True Impact guides nonprofits to create a single, universal profile for each of their programs or initiatives.
As each donation is solicited or received, the system uses that information to automatically generate an Impact Receipt for the donor (including expected or actual results), which instantly appears in their True Impact account.
The result:
a next-generation "common grant application" and "common grant report" template for philanthropic and charitable contributions.
Program name
Organization name
Program description
Funder name
Investment amount
Date of profile’s last update
Grant start / end dates
Update dates (past, future)
Funder’s Claim
% funded
Type (foundational/non)
Quantitative allocation of outcomes (based on % funded or catalyzed results)
Core components of program implementation (strategies, tactics)
Description of primary beneficiaries
Relevant demographic categories (tags)
Logic Model
Standardized performance indicators, with custom success thresholds
Grantee’s initial forecasts, current/actual results, and variance
Measurement descriptions and categorizations (how data are collected and calculated)
Success stories (with photos, web links)
Lessons learned
Direct, indirect cash and in-kind investments
Grantee’s initial forecasts, current/actual results, and variance